On Auto Increment Update

Written on Apr 23, 2018 about MySQL.

Something happened recently that, in hindsight, I would consider as a frustrating milestone. Without spoiling anything, let me frame the setting.

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The Most Useful Letters

Written on Apr 15, 2017 about Code, Golf and Perl.

I was posed a fun question the other day: If you only have 10 letters on your keyboard, which ten letters allow you to type the most number of different words. As this was posted on Twitter, I wanted to give the answer, and include the generating code.

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The Densest Game of Go

Written on Oct 21, 2016 about Baduk and Python.

Just the other day, I had a very low scoring game of Go, and both sides had very few points. That got me thinking: “What’s the lowest scoring game ever played?” This question is not well-defined because of captures and KOs. So I re-worded it to: “What’s the game that had the most number of living stones at the end?” or the “densest game.”

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