I’m going to try something new. I’m transcribing (from memory) a review by Jiang MingJiu 7P of one of my games. I visit his game review sessions semi-regularly, and learn quite a lot. Hopefully, writting it down will help the points stick.
This game is between me and a 3 Dan on the Dragon Go Server. I’ve written the commentary as a dialogue between MingJiu and those in attendance.
PW[Min88]PB[Jay Chan]
;W[on]C[MingJiu: P6 is a mistake. Now we play S7.]
;B[mp]C[MingJiu: Black can play Q8 to put more pressure on white.
Jay: Locally, is N4 or O5 better?
MingJiu: N4. O5 leaves too much weakness on the bottom.]
;B[qr]C[3k: Is R2 slow?
MingJiu: R2 is necessary.]
;B[qj]C[MingJiu: R10 is a missed opportunity. You should push up at Q8 first to create cutting points.]
;B[ni]C[MingJiu: Still good for black, O8 is a key point in white's shape.]
;B[oc]C[MingJiu: Black missed a chance. You should instead play O17 to try to get sente to play the large move at N11.
Jay: Oh wow, I didn't think of N11 it's so solid and simple. All I thought about was N10, but the cutting point is nasty.
MingJiu: That's you!]
;W[ld]C[MingJiu: What is this?! Impossible. Let's stop here.])