The second installment of a review with MingJiu Jiang 7P. I should mention that I’m paraphrasing MingJiu’s comments and toning down is lovable gruffness a bit.
This was a game I play in the 2015 Jujo. My opponent was black, later revealed to me that his last official rating was 5 Dan!
PW[Jay Chan]PB[5 Dan]
;W[qq]C[MingJiu: This should be good for white.]
;W[qo]C[MingJiu: You don't need to atari here, just eat one stone with Q2.]
;B[pn]C[Jay: I feel like black is in a better position, white is so small.
MingJiu: Your mistake at R5 made black more solid on the right. Otherwise, white is better because white is alive.]
;B[bp]C[Jay: Did I do this right?
MingJiu: It's okay.]
;W[ep]C[MingJiu: D7 is more solid, black can play there himself.]
;W[fq]C[MingJiu: Good Idea.]
;W[dg]C[Mingjiu: D13 is a mistake. White needs to peep F18 first, for the eyeshape, and to possibly attack black around J17 later.
Jay: Ok, the game gets really bad, let's stop here.])