In our third installment of reviews with MingJiu, we go over a game I played against a random person at the Montreal Go Club. This game was especially painfully for me to show MingJiu having not even realized a blunder.
PW[Jay Chan]PB[Canadian Dude]
;W[ph]C[2k: Isn't the shape normally at Q13?
MingJiu: Yes, but in this case, black is already strong on the top side , so white should play a little farther.]
;W[do]C[MingJiu: D5 is not the biggest move right now.
Jay: Really!?
MIngJiu: Yes, Q12 is is still weak, no a move at R6 is the biggest.
Jay: That's so simple, but I would have never thought of that in a game.]
;W[om]C[MingJiu: What is P7? I can't believe you played that. It's too slow. It must be at R10 to attack black.]
;W[oq]C[MingJiu: The focus has to be attacking black. WHite should just play at S4.]
;W[mq]C[MingJiu: Did you read that ladder?
Jay: yes? oh wait. Oooops.
MingJiu: Let's stop here.])