Fun Bugs I've Fixed #2: Geopolitics

Written on Apr 6, 2015 about Bugs.

Let’s start with a short history lesson. Some of you young’uns may not remember this, but there used to be a country named Yugoslavia. It was formed as a kingdom in 1918 after the Great War as a result of the break-up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. At the end of the next world war, its monarchy was sacked and replaced with Communism.

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Strikingly Solid Play

Written on Apr 1, 2015 about Baduk.

I’m currently writing short lecture for the SF Go Club about the topic of solid play and the concept of Honte. So for the past few weeks, I’ve been on the look out for examples of this in books, game records, joseki dictionaries, etc.

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Fun Bugs I've Fixed #1: Odd Clusters

Written on Mar 17, 2015 about Python and Bugs.

I once worked on a highly distributed system, written in Python, to handle telemetry data reported back from thousands of network sensors. This was before the days of ready-made firehose systems like Kafka or Storm, so this thing was built in-house and we had pulled all the stops and used all the tricks to get it running as bleeding fast as possible. It sat there chugging along, processing anonymized reporting data and aggregated it for a clustering system downstream.

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MingJiu Review #2

Written on Mar 15, 2015 about Baduk and MingJiu.

The second installment of a review with MingJiu Jiang 7P. I should mention that I’m paraphrasing MingJiu’s comments and toning down is lovable gruffness a bit.

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Slice in Store Context

Written on Feb 26, 2015 about Code and Python.

After 7 years of working with Python, there’s always something basica to learn… So I was playing around with the ast module the other day; investigating something completely unrelated, but then I got genuinely nerd-sniped. I typed this into the REPL:

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